Friday, November 22, 2019

TAKE A LOOK - Science Is All Around Us!

Science is EVERYWHERE!!!
In this section, I will be posting random scientific stuff that our students bring in to share with the class. 

Water frozen into a solid state, we notice the presence of impurities such as particles of soil or bubbles of air, it also appear transparent or a more or less of a opaque bluish-white color.
How a Lava lamp works.
Metal of all shapes & sizes...
                         Can you make hair dye using a green marker?
     Extra Credit!!
Way to go!

What happens to a Dorito bag when you put it in a microwave?

                                                                     Do Crystals have special powers?

What happens when birds get wet?
Birds pick up oil on their beaks, by rubbing against the uropygial or preen gland near the tail, and then rub it over their feathers. This coating insulates the interlocking barbules in the feather. As water cannot penetrate through the oil coating, the feather is waterproof.

Did you know that... Crabs are decapod crustaceans which have a very short tail and are covered with a thick shell, or exoskeleton and are armed with a single pair of claws. Crabs are invertebrates (animals without a backbone). Their exoskeleton protects them from predators and provides support for their bodies.

A Thin Sheet of Ice
was found on the way to school. The students thought it was a good idea to bring it in to examine it closely.  Their findings were very interesting!

Science Research group work!

A Force of Matter 
Forces can be described as a push or pull on an object.
They can be due to phenomena such as gravity, magnetism, or anything that might cause a mass to accelerate.

Snails make great pets!!! 
We love Bun Bun!!! 

A Sedona rock 

Growing an avocado plant

Group work!

 propeller-like blades of a turbine around around a rotor.

Research Topic: Fresh Water Snails

Where do they live? 
Are they deadly?
What do they eat?
Do they carry any diseases?