Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Popping POP(corn)!!!

What Makes Popcorn Pop?

Inside each kernel of popcorn is a tiny droplet of water surrounded by a hard shell called a hull. As the popcorn is heated, the water turns into steam, which builds pressure 
inside the kernel. 

When the hull can no longer contain the pressure — POP! — the kernel explodes and a fluffy new piece of popcorn is born.

Did you know... Popcorn needs between 13.5-14% moisture to pop.

Why did my popcorn burn and not pop?  
Popcorn pops because the water vapor inside them increases pressure enough to rupture the hull. So it really comes down to two possibilities. Your popcorn doesn't have enough moisture to pop, or it isn't getting hot enough. Most likely it's the moisture level.

As Scientist we learned that popping popcorn is not a chemical reaction. 
It is a physical reaction. All that is changed is the appearance of the popcorn kernel.